Heim alein by Sie Gubba Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Heim alein guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Heim alein by Sie Gubba using guitar or guitar. This song by Sie Gubba can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Heim alein guitar chords has rhythm and included in Sie Gubba album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Heim alein by Sie Gubba Guitar Chords/h3 Vo[G]lvon den va lastabrHele s[D]yforeninga va mebrTe [C]?stersund for k[G]os sæ og få litt[D] fredbrbr? [G]sto i gårn å vinka,brH[D]elt t biln forsvantbrJa,an[C]svaret for huset, det [G]gikk t rætte [D]mannbrbrFor [C]æ hadd [G]ting å[D] gjørbrNei h[C]ær, va [A]æ i godt [D]humørbrbrHeim a[G]lein hele h[D]ælgabrHeim a[C]lein for mæ [D]sjølbr? ska [G]lægg om nye [D]fælgabr?sså[C] bli det vell e[D]n ølbrHeim [G]alein hele hæ[D]lga,brMen a[C]lein kan æ g[D]læmbrDet e n[C]ok av dårlig k[D]ompisa som [G]kjæmbrbrM[G]icro og grandiosa lev[D]ve æ på længbrEl[C]lers e det l[G]ite, man tr[D]ængbrEn fo[C]tballkamp på [G]tv'n ska v[D]i sjåbrS[C]tøvsugarn og o[A]ppvasken får [D]ståbrbrHeim a[G]lein hele h[D]ælgabrHeim a[C]lein for mæ [D]sjølbr? ska [G]lægg om nye [D]fælgabr?sså[C] bli det vell e[D]n ølbrHeim [G]alein hele hæ[D]lga,brMen a[C]lein kan æ g[D]læmbrDet e n[C]ok av dårlig k[D]ompisa som [G]kjæmbrbrFor [C]vi, hadd t[G]ing å g[D]jørbr? [C]vi, ja v[A]i va i godt h[D]umørbrbrHeim alein hele hælgabrHeim a[G]lein hele h[D]ælgabrHeim a[C]lein for mæ [D]sjølbr? ska [G]lægg om nye [D]fælgabr?sså[C] bli det vell e[D]n ølbrHeim [G]alein hele hæ[D]lga,brMen a[C]lein kan æ g[D]læmbrDet e n[C]ok av dårlig k[D]ompisa som [G]kjæm p If you want to learn Sie Gubba Heim alein guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Heim alein. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p